Proposal Writing Workshop
FRIB hosted a
remote FRIB Proposal Writing Workshop on May 4 - 8, 2020.
You can view the
invitation letter for the
Workshop by clicking here.
One of the information sessions of this workshop was
dedicated to proposals for SECAR experiments.
Please click here to see the
invitation letter encouraging participation
in the SECAR information session and a planned
follow-up breakout session.
The session was held via the Zoom software
platform starting at 16:00 EDT on Wednesday, May 6, 2020.
Preparing an Experiment Proposal
Here are the steps to prepare a proposal using the SECAR system
with members of the SECAR Collaboration:
• PI formulates experiment idea
• PI joins the SECAR Collaboration (SC) if not yet a member
• PI sends abstract of proposal to the SC
Executive Council one month before the facility proposal deadline
• PI uses
these resources listed below
to help prepare proposal
• PI sends draft of proposal to the SC
Executive Council two weeks before the facility proposal deadline
• SC Executive Council distributes proposal
to all members of Core Group and invites them and their research
group members to join proposal
• SC Executive Council informs PI of
final list of participants
• PI can circulate proposal to others outside the SC as desired
• PI incorporates comments from SC Executive Council
and Core Group members if any
• PI finalizes proposal and submits by facility deadline
Here are some resources that may be
useful for proposal writing:
• SECAR technical information
    — Windowless gas target configuration: extended target chamber or jet (JENSA)
    — Extended target maximum thickness: 1e19 cm-2
    — Jet target maximum thickness: 1e19 cm-2
    — Gamma detection at target: BGO array
    — BGO efficiency: 49% at 1.3 MeV with extended target
    — nominal angular acceptance: +/- 25 mrad
    — nominal energy acceptance: +/- 3.1%
    — nominal rigidity acceptance: 0.14 - 0.8 (B rho), 1 - 16 MV (E rho) for standard optics
    — charge state acceptance: only a single charge state accepted by the full system
    — rejection of primary beam: initial goal 1e-13 for masses A<65
    — beam rejection: sufficient for (p,gamma) measurements with 1e07pps beam intensity
    — beam rejection: expected to be better for lighter mass beams
    — beam rejection: expected to be worse for heavier beams but experiments still possible
    — performance: expected better for reactions with larger beam-recoil mass differences
    — Focal plane position measurement: 2 microchannel plate TOF detectors
    — Focal plane particle ID: gas ionization counter
    — Focal plane energy measurement: Si detector
SECAR Information (May 2020)
SECAR design (pre-CDR report)
• "Design of SECAR: a Recoil Mass Separator for Astrophysical
Capture Reactions with Radioactive Beams" by G. Berg, M. Couder,
M.T. Moran, K. Smith, M. Wiescher, H. Schatz, U. Hager, C. Wrede,
F. Montes, G. Perdikakis, X. Wu, A. Zeller, M.S. Smith, D.W. Bardayan,
K.A. Chipps, S.D. Pain, J. Blackmon, U. Greife, K.E. Rehm, and R.V.F. Janssens,
Nuclear Instruments and & Methods A 877, (2018) 87-103.
• For additional questions on SECAR ion optics, rigidities, acceptance,
please contact Manoel Couder (mcouder at
JENSA update presentation by Kelly Chipps (May 2020)
• "Status of the JENSA gas-jet target for
experiments with rare isotope beams", K. Schmidt, K.A. Chipps,
S. Ahn, D.W. Bardayan, J. Browne, U. Greife, Z. Meisel,
F. Montes, P.D. O'Malley, W-J. Ong, S.D. Pain, H. Schatz,
K. Smith, M.S. Smith, P.J. Thompson,
Nuclear Inst. Meth.
A 911 (2018) 1-9.
• For additional questions on the JENSA gas target system,
please contact Kelly Chipps (chippska at
• For questions on the SECAR focal plane detector system,
please contact Jeff Blackmon (blackmon at
beam rate calculator
relativistics kinematics
LISE++ code system